by Professor String |
Playing Guitar with a Hand or Finger Injury |
“When he smashed his finger, shit squirted out the end of it!” – That was
something I once overheard a band member mention to someone at a local concert.
Apparently, their lead guitarist severely injured his finger while setting down
an extremely heavy speaker cabinet. Ouch! Nothing is more frustrating than
having a hand or finger injury for a guitarist. If you have been playing for a
number of years, at some point you experienced a minor (or major) injury that
made playing difficult or impossible. The smallest paper cut in the right spot
can be highly irritating and have a huge impact on your playing performance.
Having a steel string continuously digging into a cut does not help matters.
We spend countless hours practicing and perfecting our sound. Yet when it comes
to hand health, the topic seldom draws serious attention by musicians. In some
respects, many guitarist take if for granted that they can get their fingers
perform without any concerns. As humans, we sometimes ask for a lot from our
hands. Everything from changing sparkplugs on a hot engine, chopping vegetables,
typing, and hammering nails are all dependent on having good hand dexterity. No
single guitarist appreciates having a good set of fingers like Tony Iommi from
Black Sabbath or jazz greats Johnny Smith and Jimmy Bruno. These gentlemen are
legends in the guitar world, yet they all had to deal with less than perfect
hand health. Tony lost a couple of finger tips early in life as a machinist.
Johnny Smith lost some of his finger’s tip in a freak accident on a plane
involving a seat. Jimmy Bruno got the grand daddy of hand problems: Bi-Lateral
Carpal Tunnel. For those of you keeping track at home, that means he had the
crippling carpal tunnel in both hands. Fortunately a successful surgery helped
Bruno get back on track. Not everyone else has that good fortune. There is
another well known guitar legend that has crippling arthritis. His ability to
play guitar has almost completely deceased. Yet, his name remains on many guitar
headstocks. His situation is not an injury, but rather a medical condition. Who
is it? We are talking about Les Paul.
I have had many readers ask if there has been anything done by string makers to
help hand health. As of this writing, the answer is: No, not specifically. If
somebody was focusing a string design on hand health, the product marketing
would be reflective of it. This raises the question of what could be done in
string designs to help with hand health. If you think about it for a moment, our
hands are in contact with the string more so than any other part of the
instrument. You would think this would be focal point to address hand health in
a product’s design. Frankly, there are number of reasons why string designs are
not marketed, designed and touted as having health benefits. The topic is beyond
the scope of this article. However, if we think like the typical string company,
our thoughts on “healing strings” might be complete waste of time. In short, if
the majority of the company’s revenue is coming from a customer base of young
men less than 25 years old, then hand health is not at the top of the list. If
the customer is not concerned about attaining optimum hand health, then they
will not buy a product that delivers it.” At a younger age, particularly in men,
there is a feeling (health wise) of invincibility and being tough minded. The
last thing you want to be labeled by your buddies is a candy ass sissy who is
concerned about sensitive skin and delicate fingernails. You can almost hear the
attitude of, “I’m sixteen. Hand health is not an issue at my age. Arthritis is
for older people like grandpa. My hands work great.” If you are over 40 years
old reading this article, this might be a flashback to your earlier days. Do you
have this same attitude today? If you have learned anything in life, you
probably don’t have this attitude anymore. As you sit there and look at your
not-so-young-anymore hands, some of you might be thinking, “I really wish I had
not been so naive and narrow minded back then.” Don’t worry. Some of the effects
of aging (and sheer hand abuse!) can be reversed as we will see in the coming
The first thing we need to consider for hand health is prevention. This means
focusing on things that can keep are hands in good shape. Our society has so
many things that place burden on the common hand. If you are under 20, then
there is a good chance you do texting, electronic gaming, send email, post on
mySpace or YouTube. That’s a ton of finger activity! Many physical therapist
claim we are in the midst of watching a slow train wreck happen, causing an
up-rise in cumulative trauma issues such as carpal tunnel syndrome, bursitis,
tennis elbow, and trigger finger. As musicians, we must be mindful of how we are
using are hands on a daily basis and take care of them.
Hand exercising myths and workouts
There is a bunch of mixed data about what kind of exercise should be done for
guitarist hands. Sure there are things like hand springs to squeeze and
dumbbells to do wrist curls, but this can be overkill. Worse yet, some of these
exercises can cause permanent injury. For the guitarist, we want hand strength,
but more importantly we want limber fingers for fast precise movement. Finger
movement actually has very little to do with strength. You can have a very
strong grip, but poor finger dexterity and stretch. There are simple exercises
that can be done with the hand. The idea is to do exercises that will not
over-exert the hand and fingers, but stretch the fingers gently. One of the best
holistic exercises I have seen is the following:
1. Stand natural with both hands by your side.
2. Take both hands and open them up and wide as they will go. This means the tip
of the thumb will be at its farthest distance from the tip of the pinkie finger.
3. Hold this position and count to seven.
4. Now, make a fist with both hands
5. Hold this position and count to seven.
6. Repeat steps 2, 3, 4, and 5 for a few more times.
Many small local bands often rely upon band members to move the equipment. If
you are a musician who gigs on a regular basis, at some point, you have had to
move equipment. As one guitarist put it, “I actually play for free, but I get
paid to move heavy amps, guitar cases, and speaker equipment.” During the time
of set-up, your hands are most vulnerable to getting cut, smashed, or pinched.
Keep thick leather gloves with you for moving heavy things like speaker
cabinets. Keep mechanics gloves, with micro grip, with you for doing things like
plugging in cables, propping up amps, closing cases…etc. These gloves can do
wonders for preserving your skin before the show begins. Many drummers have
started using these gloves for playing!
Skin Care
If you use lotion, use it lightly and sparingly. Calluses are supposed to be
hard, but the problem starts when they become too dry and crack. This is
particularly true in the winter month when snow is flying. A very thing
application of lotion can help this condition.
Avoid direct contact with harsh cleaners or things with isopropyl alcohol. These
chemicals do nothing to improve skin. They are made to remove dirt and just
about anything else. If you do a lot of cleaning, or work in the cleaning
business, wear gloves to minimize your exposure. The idea is to keep your skin
preserved and avoid dry skin that causes cracked skin.
While we are on the topic of cracked skin, the end result is not much different
than getting a mild cut. Many players who get cuts and dry skin splits often
keep emergency super glue, or liquid bandage in a zip lock bag in their case.
This is a quick fix that can get you through a gig and can withstand having
string pressure on it without opening up the cut further.
High Sodium = Poor Finger Performance
Americans have some of the worst dietary habits in the world. Look no further
than the U.S. statistics on obesity. What does this mean for a guitarist or
bassist? Plenty. Our diet has a profound effect on hand joints, muscles, and
blood circulation through the fingers. As a player at any age, you should be
mindful of your intake of the ingredients that make up processed food: Salt,
fat, and sugar. The average daily recommend amount of sodium/salt in our diets
should be about 1500mg. The average American consumes about five times this
amount. Salt triggers the body’s system to retain water. In turn, we carry extra
water weight just about everywhere in our bodies. This includes the fingers. In
fact, this extra water has been known to contribute to joint stiffness.
Obviously, joint stiffness is going to have an impact on your hand and finger
performance. Again, be mindful of your dietary intake.
Final Thought
Hopefully, some of the things we have discussed will help you in your playing
ability. It goes without saying; your hands are the most vital part of any
musical instrument. Take care of them.
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