you want to find out about...
The things guitar string companies do not tell about their
Secrets other guitarists and bassists do not know about strings?
Untold tricks on how
to make your guitar or bass play easier?
How to get MAJOR tone improvements with some secrets
specific to guitar strings and bass strings?
FACT: Most
guitar instructors do not teach students anything about
selecting strings.
Whether you are a
class clown of death metal, or a doctorate of jazz will find facts and articles by
Professor String to help you get to the next level. In fact,
hundreds of guitarists and bassists have asked us about creating
a budget minded book on the subject. They felt magazine reviews
were biased, and string advertisements were full of crap. As a
result, Professor
String recently published the first online
ebook about guitar strings and bass
strings. Stop limiting yourself...if you want to know
about the things guitar string companies do not want made public,
then...check this out.

string info now available...
There has been an overwhelming response about
Professor String's String Lab.
For those of you new to this site, the
String Lab section contains
information most guitar string companies do not want made public. We
will continue to make it available for everyone on a
shoe string guitar string budget. |
String's Archives
have released previously written articles focused on
guitar strings and bass strings. In addition, you will
surely find information about guitar and bass strings
that has never been published before. We have been hard
at work in the lab to get YOU the latest scoop on guitar
string research. Some of the topics we have written
about include: Guitar string marketing, winding,
pitfalls of buying certain brands and much much more.
Check out the